Dettol Instant hand Santizer
Dettol: Instant hand Santizer Usage Contexts and Attributes of the Product: Possible Advertising Themes The product being advertised is an Instant Hand Sanitizer. A hand sanitizer’s value proposition is that it kills 99.99% of the most common germs that may cause illness. Its relative advantage compared to a normal soap is that it can be used anytime, anyplace, without water or towels. Its disadvantage is that though it is very effective at killing germs on the hands, but it is not effective at removing dirt. Conversely, soap and water are very effective at cleaning dirty or soiled hands, but are not good at killing germs. So, a result, communication for an Instant Hand Sanitizer must concentrate on two points: • 99.99 % Germ Killing Formulation • No need of water/towels, making it anytime, anywhere The Target Audience for usage of an Instant Hand Sanitizer must also be made aware of the need of using such a product. This need must be such where an ordinary soap and water combina...